On the occasion of the EU Green Week, the European Union, in collaboration with Fair Trade Lebanon, ENICBCMED and the Ministry of Tourism, has joined forces to establish the MEDARTSAL International Salt Fair. This project aims to promote the sustainable development of artisanal salt-making in primarily four Mediterranean regions. These regions in the Mediterranean, where the Salinas (salt pans) are located and salt is produced, face significant economic threats that have not gone unnoticed by the project’s founders.

In addition to providing tangible support and raising awareness on economic, environmental, and governance issues, Medartsal and its partners are also dedicated to protecting vulnerable salt producers whose family businesses have thrived for many generations. Salt producers from across the Middle East have come together to showcase their products, raise awareness about the importance of salt production in preserving biodiversity and promote their businesses.

Running from June 7 to June 9, MEDARTSAL offers various workshops and guides visitors to Anfeh, where the Salinas have been operational for three generations.

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