According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), pro-Iranian groups operating along the Syria-Iraq border are on high alert after an unidentified drone targeted a truck near one of their headquarters on Thursday, close to the town of Boukamal in the Deir Ezzor countryside.

The attack resulted in three casualties: a Syrian national working for Tehran’s proxies, an unidentified foreign individual, and a child.

The origin of the drone, whether American or Israeli, remains unclear, as does the precise nature of the truck’s cargo, which did not explode after the strike, according to the UK-based NGO.

This region, strategic for the transit of weapons and troops, is often used by pro-Iranian groups to establish military bases in residential areas, thereby placing civilians at risk.

In response to the attack, these groups have taken precautionary measures, relocating their members to other bases, restricting the movements of their leaders, and transferring weapons to more secure locations, the SOHR reports. Military reinforcements have also been brought in from Iraq to strengthen their presence.

The eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, crucial for Iran’s strategic interests in the region, remains a hotspot of tensions with American forces and their allies. Over the past month, around 150 trucks loaded with military equipment have arrived through the Iraqi Kurdistan region, accompanied by 10 cargo planes to reinforce the bases in Hasakah and Deir Ezzor.

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