Senior officers in the Israeli army’s elite intelligence Unit 8200 reportedly dismissed warnings from lower-ranking officers about a meticulously planned mass invasion by Hamas one month before the October 7 attack, according to Israeli media reports cited by The Times of Israel.

According to Channel 12, officers of intelligence elite Unit 8200, presented intelligence data predicting the invasion, including details of a Hamas drill, a month prior, indicating preparations for a large-scale invasion with multiple entry points into Israel. Despite the substantial information, their concerns were labeled as “fantasies” by a senior Israeli army officer, as reported by The Times of Israel.

The Israeli army had also obtained a Hamas terror manual before October 7, outlining plans to capture the Gaza border region, take over towns, and stage attacks on Israeli cities, according to Kan TV channel. Senior officer ranks dismissed the manual’s contents, believing Hamas lacked the operational capabilities for such an attack, The Times of Israel added.

The Israeli army stated that it was “operating and fighting in these very days against the murderous terror organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip. All of the [Israeli forces’] commanders and soldiers are focused on this mission alone, in order to achieve the goals of the war. When the war is finished, a detailed and thorough investigation will be conducted clarifying every last detail,” as cited by The Times of Israel.

Miroslava Salazar, with AFP

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