In an interview on Thursday, October 5, the leader of Russia announced plans to establish a naval base on the Black Sea coastline of a breakaway region within Georgia. This decision comes in response to increasing Ukrainian assaults on Russian warships.

Russia will set up a naval base on the Black Sea coast of a separatist region in Georgia, its leader said in an interview Thursday, after mounting Ukrainian attacks on Russian warships.

The announcement from the leader of the breakaway region of Abkhazia came on the back of several attacks on Russia’s Black Sea fleet that have embarrassed the Kremlin.

Tensions have escalated on the key waterway since July, when Russia exited a deal guaranteeing safe passage for cargo ships to and from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports.

Russia and Georgia fought a war in 2008, after which Moscow recognized the independence of Abkhazia and another Moscow-backed separatist region, South Ossetia.

Russia has stationed permanent military bases in both regions.

Georgian authorities said the plan was “a flagrant violation of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Georgia, an ex-Soviet country in the South Caucasus, has for years pushed for integration into the European Union, a process that accelerated after a brief war with Russia in 2008.

But Georgian authorities have been accused by the opposition of flirting with the Kremlin.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP