An Israeli minister arrived in Saudi Arabia, the second visit of its kind in less than a week, amid growing efforts to normalize relations between the two countries.

An Israeli government minister arrived on Monday in Saudi Arabia for a United Nations conference, his office said, amid mounting speculation that the two countries will normalize ties.

Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi travelled to Riyadh for a meeting of the Universal Postal Union, a specialized UN agency intended to facilitate international cooperation in the postal sector.

During his visit, the second by an Israeli minister to the Gulf kingdom in less than a week, Karhi is expected to give a speech and meet with officials including the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Turkey’s communications minister, a statement from his office said.

He is heading a 14-member delegation that includes lawmaker David Bitan and representatives of the foreign ministry, the statement said.

Saudi Arabia, home to the holiest sites in Islam, in Mecca and Medina, has never recognized Israel and long insisted it would not do so without a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a just settlement for Palestinian refugees.

However the administration of US President Joe Biden is pushing for a landmark deal that could reorder the Middle East.

Riyadh is bargaining hard for security guarantees from Washington as well as assistance with a civilian nuclear program that would have uranium enrichment capacity.

The Palestinians have warned that they must be taken into account in any deal, and it is unclear what concessions Israel might be willing to make.

Last week the White House said Saudi Arabia and Israeli were moving towards the outline of a deal.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP

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