The US Ninth Air force commander raised alarm on Wednesday, September 20, about the “growing” military cooperation between Iran and Russia, expressing particular concern about the sharing of drone technology.

The US Ninth Air force commander warned Wednesday of “burgeoning” military ties between Iran and Russia, saying shared drone technology was a particular concern.

Modified Iranian drones used by Moscow in its war in Ukraine could feed back to Iran, which in turn may employ them in its campaign to prop up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Lieutenant General Alexus Grynkewich told a briefing in Abu Dhabi.

Lieutenant general Alexus Grynkewich is the commander of the Ninth Air Force. He previously served as the director of operations of the Centcom. (AFP)

Washington accuses Iran of supplying Moscow with drones for use in Ukraine, a charge Tehran denies.

Tehran and Moscow have both provided economic, political and military support to the government in Syria, helping Damascus claw back most of the territory it had lost in the early stages of the war.

Drones have become a focal point of military strategy for Russia and Iran, who are both under heavy Western sanctions.

Iranian-designed drones have been widely used by Yemen’s Tehran-backed Huthi rebels, including in cross-border attacks on Saudi Arabia, a US ally.

Tehran last month unveiled its “Mohajer-10” attack drone, and Russian President Vladimir Putin gave North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un a gift of drones when he visited Moscow last week.

Iran says it has sent military “advisers” to support the Syrian army during the conflict, which has killed more than 500,000 people and displaced millions.

Syria’s war began after the government repressed peaceful protests in 2011 and escalated into a deadly conflict that pulled in jihadists and foreign powers.

Some groups affiliated with Tehran, most prominently Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah, have fought alongside Syrian government forces.

The US commander also assured oil-rich Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that Washington was committed to their security despite the lack of a formal treaty, which in Riyadh’s case may be under negotiation, according to a report this week by the New York Times.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP