The United Nations nuclear watchdog on Saturday, September 16 criticized Iran for taking an “unprecedented and disproportionate” step by revoking accreditation from a number of its most seasoned inspectors.

The United Nations nuclear watchdog on Saturday condemned the “disproportionate and unprecedented” move by Iran to withdraw accreditation from several of its most experienced inspectors.

“Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran informed me of its decision to withdraw the designation of several experienced Agency inspectors assigned to conduct verification activities in Iran under the NPT Safeguards Agreement,” IAEA director general Rafael Grossi said in a statement.

“With today’s decision, Iran has effectively removed about one third of the core group of the Agency’s most experienced inspectors designated for Iran,” added Grossi, saying his affected colleagues had “unique knowledge in enrichment technology” who had previously conducted essential verification work at Iranian enrichment facilities under IAEA safeguards.

“This measure, while formally permitted by the NPT Safeguards Agreement, has been exercised by Iran in a manner that affects in a direct and severe way the ability of the IAEA to conduct effectively its inspections in Iran,” said Grossi.

The United States and the so-called E3 group, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, are now threatening to call for a new resolution against Tehran at an IAEA board meeting.

“Iran persists in its deliberate refusal to engage earnestly with the Agency,” the US and E3 group said in a midweek joint statement, warning that if Iran does not fully abide by its obligations the Board will have to be prepared to take further action to support its Secretariat and hold Iran accountable.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP