North Korean leader Kim Jong Un dismissed military Chief and called for war preparations, emphasizing weapons production and drills. Kim discussed “major military actions” against South Korea in a meeting of the Central Military Commission.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has dismissed his top general and called for stepping up war preparations “in an offensive way”, including boosting weapons production and conducting more drills, state media reported Thursday.

The Korean Central News Agency said the agenda of the meeting of the Central Military Commission, which comes just days after Kim inspected key arms factories, was “the issue of making full war preparations” and ensuring “perfect military readiness for a war.” Kim also discussed “major military actions” against South Korea.

The meeting comes as Seoul and Washington prepare for major joint drills later this month, which the North views as rehearsals for invasion and has repeatedly warned could trigger “overwhelming” action in response.

Referring to photos carried by the North’s Rodong Sinmun newspaper showing Kim pointing to what appeared to be a map of Seoul, he said: “I think he wanted to send a message to the South with a threatening action.”

At the meeting, Kim dismissed Chief of the general staff Pak Su Il, replacing him with Vice Marshal Ri Yong Gil, KCNA said without giving further details.

Katrine Houmøller, with AFP