With tensions in the Gulf easing due to a significant reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, a positive change is observed at the hajj pilgrimage, as Iranian visitors now experience a newfound sense of acceptance and hospitality.

If a landmark reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran has eased tensions in the Gulf, clouds have also lifted at the hajj pilgrimage, where Iranian visitors finally feel welcome again.

Seven years of enmity between the Sunni and Shiite powers had made for a cool reception for Iranian pilgrims joining worshipers from around the world for the massive event.

But at the current hajj, held three months after Riyadh and Tehran agreed to repair relations, the atmosphere is suddenly very different.

The January 2016 schism was related to religion, as Riyadh cut ties following demonstrations at its Iranian missions over Saudi Arabia’s execution of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr.

In March, the two sides announced a surprise, Chinese-brokered detente. This month, Iran reopened its Riyadh embassy and the Saudi foreign minister visited Tehran.

The rapprochement has had a knock-on effect around the region, where Saudi Arabia and Iran have backed opposing sides in a number of conflicts and disputes.

Saudi Arabia opened talks with Yemen’s Iran-backed Huthi rebels, who they have been fighting at the head of an international coalition since 2015, and repaired relations with Syria’s isolated leader Bashar al-Assad.

The hajj has previously proved a sticking point between Riyadh and Tehran. No Iranian pilgrims were allowed in 2016, the year that ties were ruptured, as the two sides were unable to organize a protocol for them to attend.

This year, however, the Islamic Republic’s flag is conspicuous at Mecca, adorning hotels and buses reserved for Iranian visitors.

Officials from the two governments say they are also working to restore access to umrah, the year-round Saudi pilgrimage that remains off-limits to Iranians.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP