IAEA chief Rafael Grossi warned on Monday, that enhancing the monitoring of Iran’s nuclear activities was progressing slowly. He emphasized on the need for additional steps to be taken to ramp up the installation of surveillance equipment.

UN nuclear watchdog chief Rafael Grossi warned on Monday that cooperation with Iran on better monitoring its nuclear program was “very slow”, saying while some cameras and other equipment had been installed again “a lot more” needed to be done.

In March, Iran agreed to reconnect surveillance cameras at several nuclear sites almost a year after they were turned off, as the Islamic republic has stepped up its atomic program despite a landmark 2015 deal.

The deal, curbing Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, started to fall apart in 2018 when the US unilaterally withdrew from it and reimposed sanctions. Efforts to revive it have been fruitless so far.

In a report to the board, the IAEA noted that Iran has significantly increased its stockpile of enriched uranium in recent months, continuing its nuclear escalation.

The agency, however, noted progress in its cooperation with Iran in a separate report, saying it has decided to, for now, close the file on nuclear material at an undeclared site.

The issue of the material found at Marivan in Abedeh county has long exacerbated relations between the two parties.

Grossi said Iran’s explanation, that the particles could be from Soviet-era mining conducted there, was “plausible, not impossible”.

When asked about criticism of Iran’s arch-foe Israel on closing the file, Grossi insisted his agency had not bowed to any pressures.

Khalil Wakim, with AFP