
Al-Qard Al-Hassan: Is Hezbollah's 'Bank' in Jeopardy? (2/2)

Many legal experts agree on the idea that "the Al-Qard Al-Hasan Association is a loophole in Lebanese law." The change in terminology does not alter the legal nature, which means that it is, in essence, a bank under legal reality and cannot be considered a non-profit charity organization, as it identifies itself. Specific circulars about Al-Qard ...

Kataeb Call for Militia Disarmament and Army Deployment in South Lebanon

The Kataeb Party urged Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Najib Mikati to immediately adopt "a clear and explicit stance regarding Hezbollah, in order to secure an immediate ceasefire without external interference." During a meeting of its political bureau, it also called for the deployment of the Lebanese Army along the border ...

Where Have the Displaced Lebanese Fled to?

Having fled the relentless Israeli bombardment, the displaced Lebanese find themselves on the streets, lacking basic human necessities. With the ministries doing “the best they can,” according to caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, 1,000 shelters have been established. While more than a million displaced Lebanese have been reported as a ...

Displacement Crisis: The Stakes of the Government Plan and Prefabricated Housing

The government has outlined a plan to relocate those displaced by the ongoing war in Lebanon between Hezbollah and Israel, whose homes have been destroyed. On Wednesday, a decision was made to build prefabricated houses to shelter part of the estimated 1.2 million displaced. What does this involve? With the winter season drawing near and more ...

War Diary: Day 375

This is Beirut brings you a daily recap of the war and its repercussions on the region. Here are the main highlights for October 15, 2024.

Hezbollah's Strength Stems From the Weakness of Its Opponents

Hezbollah’s opposition forces have once again revealed their division and inability to achieve real unity, unlike the solid cohesion among the party’s supporters, despite occasional disagreements surfacing for various reasons. For instance, if a meeting was required for Hezbollah’s supporters, the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) and the ...

Geagea: A Return to the Status Quo Ante Is "Out of the Question"

The leader of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea, stated that a return to the status quo ante is "out of the question" once the war between Hezbollah and Israel is over, calling for the election of a president of the Republic and the formation of a government capable of rebuilding the state. In this context, he called on the Speaker of House Nabih ...

Grandi: There Is a Need to Prevent a Wider Regional Conflict with Global Repercussions

The United Nations emphasized on Monday the urgent need for a "ceasefire in Lebanon and Gaza to prevent a wider regional conflict that could have global repercussions." UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi stated that "a ceasefire supported by a meaningful peace process is the only way to break the cycle of violence, hatred and ...

Netanyahu Vows No Mercy After Deadly Hezbollah Drone Strike

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday vowed to strike Hezbollah without mercy, a day after the Iran-backed group's deadliest strike on Israel since the start of the war in late September. Hezbollah's drone attack on an Israeli base killed four soldiers on Sunday, while another 60 people were injured, according to the Israeli ...

Lebanon’s Complaint to UN: Israel Should Be Held Accountable

Lebanon's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York, under the instructions of caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib, submitted an identical complaint to both UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the UN Security Council in response to repeated Israeli attacks targeting United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) ...

US Embassy Reiterates Security Alert, Urges Citizens to Leave Lebanon Now

The United States Embassy in Lebanon reiterated its security arlert on Monday, “strongly” advising American citizens to depart from the embattled country immediately.  In a statement, the embassy noted that “since September 27, the US government has added thousands of (airplane) seats in extra capacity to accommodate US citizens and their ...

Damascus: A Ruthless Universe…

“One people, two countries,” proclaimed Hafez al-Assad. Syria's role in Lebanon's disintegration is significant. The 100-day battle in 1978, during which the Syrian army surrounded and incessantly bombarded the Ashrafieh neighborhoods, the brutal siege of Zahleh in 1981… These events, among many others, are deeply ingrained in collective ...