Jean-Yves Le Drian

Le Drian Soon in Lebanon

French Ambassador to Lebanon Hervé Magro declared on Thursday that French President Emmanuel Macron’s personal envoy for Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian, “will be visiting Beirut shortly to follow up on the Quintet Committee’s mission in resolving the presidential vacuum.” During a meeting with the Maronite League, Magro announced that ...

Le Drian’s Visit to Be Prepared by Quintet’s Ambassadors in Beirut

The issue of the deadlocked presidential election, which has been placed on the back burner for a while, will be thrust back to the forefront in the coming weeks in light of fast-developing regional events impacting Lebanon, which has been plagued by multiple economic and political crises. According to a Western diplomatic source, the “changes ...

Berri Speaks of the Presidential Election's ‘Lebanonization’

The Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, asserted that he reached an agreement with the ambassadors of the countries comprising the quintet responsible for the Lebanese presidential election dossier on the necessity to “Lebanonize” the upcoming presidential deadline. In an interview with the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat, Berri emphasized ...

Presidential Election: Le Drian Expected in Beirut Tuesday

French President Emmanuel Macron's personal envoy to Lebanon Jean-Yves Le Drian is expected in Beirut on Tuesday, according to information relayed by local TV channel al-Jadeed. He is due to meet the members of the National Moderation parliamentary bloc over lunch on Wednesday at the Résidence des Pins, the headquarters of the French Embassy in ...

Bassil Will Not Meet Jean-Yves Le Drian Next Wednesday

According to Al-Jadeed media channel, sources within the Free Patriotic Movement announced that the head of the movement, MP Gebran Bassil, apologized for his inability to host the French presidential envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian next Wednesday due to a prior commitment to a foreign visit. It is worth mentioning that during Le Drian's last visit to ...

Le Drian in Beirut: Recurring Words From Shiite Duo and Opposition

Upon his arrival in Beirut on Tuesday afternoon, French President Emmanuel Macron's personal envoy for Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian, met with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati. The meeting was of a strictly ceremonial nature, as the French emissary, like all the Lebanese, is well aware that he cannot hope to make headway with Mikati on the two ...

Geagea to Le Drian: We Will Not Accept Granting the Speaker Powers that He Does Not Have

On Wednesday evening, the leader of the Lebanese Forces party, Samir Geagea, received the French envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian, stating that his party is open to a third candidate, “unlike the Resistance Axis.” “The Resistance Axis wants to know the president before the election session, which is unacceptable,” Geagea stated after the ...

Outcomes of Le Drian’s Visit to Lebanon

It is no longer a secret that the visit of the French President's special envoy to Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian, “failed to achieve a major breakthrough on the presidential issue,” as confirmed by a Western diplomatic source to This Is Beirut. However, this visit stands out from previous ones as it still prompted a slight shift in the stance ...

Presidency: Further Initiatives Hinge on Shiite Duo’s Position

The saga of the presidential election in Lebanon keeps unfolding with a series of initiatives that have yet to translate into tangible outcomes. The five-nation Quintet Committee (France, US, Qatar, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia) is in full swing, in parallel to Qatar's own initiative and the efforts of the French presidential envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian. ...

Le Drian’s Next Visit Pending Progress on Presidential Election

French presidential envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian carried out his latest visit to Lebanon on May 28-29 at the sole request of President Emmanuel Macron, according to a diplomatic source. “Le Drian, actually, did not want to come to Beirut as there was nothing new regarding the presidential elections and no change in political positions,” the ...

Quintet Sets Deadline for Presidential Election Before 2025

  French presidential envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian will reportedly visit Beirut at the end of September to continue his efforts related to the presidential election. This tour is part of his coordination with the Quintet (comprising the United States, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt). It follows recent meetings with Saudi advisor Nizar ...

Presidential Vacancy: Saudi Arabia's Stand Remains Unchanged

According to reports on the visit of the French presidential envoy to Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to the Saudi capital Riyadh, and his meetings with the Minister Counselor at the Royal Court in charge of the Lebanese dossier, Nizar al-Aloula, and the Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Walid Bukhari, Saudi Arabia's position on the presidential crisis in ...