
Eggflation: When Eggs Turn into a Pricey Luxury!

Over the course of just one year, the price of eggs in the US has surged, jumping from under $2.52 in February 2024 to $8 per dozen in February 2025—a staggering increase of more than 65%. So, what’s behind this sudden price spike? The avian flu epidemic is a major factor. The outbreak has devastated millions of egg-laying hens in the US, with ...

Rising Prices, Stagnant Wages: An Ever-Harder Daily Struggle

In one of his first statements to the press, the new Minister of Labor, Mohammad Haidar, said that raising the minimum wage is among his priorities. He noted that the matter would be discussed with Finance Minister Yassine Jaber but did not specify a figure. Recently, some have called for a minimum wage of $1,000—five times the current ...