Free Patriotic Movement

The Opposition's Voice Goes Unheard by the Shiite Duo

The opposition forces’ actions and stances have been calling for an immediate ceasefire in southern Lebanon and the urgent election of a president, all while being in a state of anticipation. According to sources within the parliamentary opposition, Lebanon's ongoing war and the looming threat of its escalation require immediate parliamentary ...

LF Responds to Bassil's 'Slander'

The Lebanese Forces (LF) quickly responded to the “false statements” made against them by the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), Gebran Bassil, stressing their role as an “impenetrable barrier” against attempts to change Lebanon's identity by imposing new norms that contradict the Constitution. LF MP Sethrida Geagea asserted on ...

Presidential Election: Frangieh Wary of the Dialogue

Many political forces, particularly the opposition led by the Lebanese Forces (LF), are aiming to replicate the presidential election scenario of June 14, 2023. In that election session, Sleiman Frangieh, leader of the Marada Movement who is backed by the Hezbollah-Amal duo, received 51 votes, while Dr. Jihad Azour, the candidate supported by the ...

Presidential Election: Opposition MPs Receptive to Any Initiative

Opposition MPs have announced that they are “receptive to all initiatives” aimed at breaking the deadlock in the presidential elections. In a statement issued on Monday evening, opposition MPs said they were “ready to consult with the Progressive Socialist Party bloc, but also with the Free Patriotic Movement, which (FPM) had opted for a ...

Will Hajjar Get the Better of Ghada Aoun's Judicial Blunders?

Following years of abuse and judicial misconduct, Ghada Aoun, the Public Prosecutor at the Mount Lebanon Court of Appeal, was finally scheduled to appear before the Judicial Disciplinary Council on Monday at 3 PM. Since her dismissal in May 2023, Aoun has repeatedly refused to comply with summonses from this judicial body. Ghada Aoun has ...

Bassil Visits Rai to Talk About Presidency

Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) chief Gebran Bassil said that the real fear is “laxity with regard to the presidential vacancy, and this issue must be separated from the others.” After meeting with Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai, Bassil stated that “there is a process aimed at preventing and blocking the election of a president of the ...

FPM and Berri: A Mutual Service Exchange

  With the arrival of French Presidential Envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian in Lebanon on Tuesday, communications have resumed between Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) MP Gebran Bassil and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri. MP Ghassan Atallah of the Strong Lebanon Parliamentary Bloc noted that the anticipated meeting with Berri was initially scheduled for ...

Bassil Will Not Meet Jean-Yves Le Drian Next Wednesday

According to Al-Jadeed media channel, sources within the Free Patriotic Movement announced that the head of the movement, MP Gebran Bassil, apologized for his inability to host the French presidential envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian next Wednesday due to a prior commitment to a foreign visit. It is worth mentioning that during Le Drian's last visit to ...

A New Member of the “Anti-Bassil Club”

After being elected vice president of the Free Patriotic Movement, sources close to the Aounist party indicate that May Khreish left the ranks of the FPM and submitted her resignation to join the group of supporters of former President Michel Aoun who had left the orange formation, as they no longer recognized themselves in him after he abandoned ...

The FPM Will Vote – or Not – to Postpone Municipal Elections

On Tuesday, the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil, denied rumors of a deal with the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri. According to some reports, Berri's Amal movement had asked engineers among its supporters to vote for the FPM candidate for president of the Order of Engineers, Fadi Hanna, in exchange for a vote by Bassil's ...

Berri – FPM Meetings, a Prelude to a Rapprochement?

The Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) led by Gebran Bassil is reportedly seeking to improve relations with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, but the question of a rapprochement between the two adversaries was utterly denied by the Speaker’s circle. Nonetheless, a new dynamic in relations between the FPM and Berri’s Amal Movement was ushered in ...