
Lebanon Must Relearn Democracy, Debate Peace with Israel

Druze lawmaker Wael Abou-Faour said that U.S. officials have broached the subject of peace between Lebanon and Israel with top Lebanese leaders, but argued that peace would spark clashes and civil strife, and therefore, his bloc thinks that truce with the Hebrew state was the most that Lebanon could accept. The merits of peace aside, ...

Is Democracy Possible in the Arab World?

The Assad family, more accurately known by the name "Al-Wahesh" (the savage), has surpassed all limits of hatred and brutality. After the dictator and his cronies fled, the world, horrified, discovered the full extent of the crimes against humanity that had been the norm in a country left in ruins. In Lebanon, we have long known, through our own ...

Democracy as It Should Be!

For anyone involved in US politics, either directly or indirectly, the nation's democracy stands out as one of the most dynamic globally. Its freedoms extend far and wide, allowing for robust criticism of presidential candidates and the president himself. American elections carry substantial weight and serve as a profound lesson in democracy for ...