
Hermès highlights Felt as the Star of Paris Fashion Week

French brand Hermès put felt at the heart of its Fall-Winter collection at its Paris Women's Fashion Week show on Saturday in a beige-toned setting resembling a labyrinth. The label sent out models in fitted designs with sharp cuts, small belts accentuating the waist, and jackets with padded shoulders, bucking the oversized trend seen on many ...

From Father to Son, from Beirut to the Louvre, the Epic of the Abou Adal Icons

The extraordinary journey of the Abou Adal collection began in the early 1950s, in a Lebanon then regarded as the “Switzerland of the Middle East.” Georges Abou Adal, driven by a curiosity for Eastern sacred art, acquired his first icons in 1952. What started as a personal interest quickly turned into a passionate quest to preserve and ...