Central Bank of Lebanon

Fayad: Electricity Sector Plan Progressing Slowly but Surely

Caretaker Minister of Energy Walid Fayad emphasized in a recent interview with the LBCI television channel that progress in the electricity sector plan is positive, but lamented its slow pace. He underscored the lack of attention from politicians and decision-makers towards the energy sector, stressing its critical role in the economy. “The ...

BDL Promotes Financial Inclusion

The Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) is seeking to encourage financial inclusion once again in order to reduce the cash economy in the Lebanese market, which is contrary to international anti-money laundering standards. In a statement issued on Thursday, the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) said it had worked with international issuers and managers of ...

Mansouri Discusses a New Proposal for Deposits' Categorization

The interim governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL), Wassim Mansouri, disclosed that the bank is studying a new proposal regarding the categorization of the depositors’ funds, which have been frozen since the onset of the 2019 rampant economic crisis. He estimated the banks' liabilities at nearly $88 billion. In an interview with Al-Sharq ...

Finance: Public Sector Increases Disbursed

The Ministry of Finance confirmed in a statement on Monday that it had transferred to Lebanon’s Central Bank (BDL) the differences in civil servants' salaries (the retroactive effect) for last February, in line with the salary increases approved by the government last month. Those concerned will be able to withdraw the amounts from their banks ...

BDL Gets Things Straight

In a statement released on Friday, the Central Bank of Lebanon sounded the alarm, calling on Parliament to act by approving reform laws to rescue the financial sector. The Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) emphasized that the delay in enacting reform laws weakens the financial position of the Lebanese State, the Central Bank of Lebanon, and the ...

Salaries of Civil Servants and Military Personnel Transferred to BDL

The Ministry of Finance announced, in a press release on Wednesday, that it had transferred all civil servants' salaries and retirees' pensions to the Banque du Liban (BDL). Those concerned will be able to collect them from private banks starting Friday morning, April 5. Of note, the Ministry transferred the salaries of military personnel in the ...

Achieving Stability in the LBP-Dollar Exchange Rate?

For nearly one year now, the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) has withdrawn around 32% of the Lebanese pound's circulating supply from the market. This action has successfully stabilized the black-market dollar exchange rate at approximately 89,500 Lebanese pounds to the dollar, an action that has also triggered a simultaneous increase in interbank ...

The Sacred Cows of Our Economy

Yes, indeed, we also have our sacred cows, those perpetual taboos that must never be tampered with, those economic incests of the sphere of power. To illustrate this sacred herd, here is a small sample that is far from exhaustive. 1- The Gold. Every so often, we proudly boast that the Central Bank (BDL) holds 288 tons of it (currently worth $17 ...

BDL Seeks Openness to International Markets

The Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) issued a statement on March 13, 2024, highlighting its commitment to fostering international relations and enhancing cooperation with global markets. "Based on the policy of openness and development, the Head of Emerging Markets at Morgan Stanley London, Ralph al-Raheb, visited BDL and held a meeting with Acting ...

Bank Dollar Rates: LBP 15,000, 25,000 or 30,000?

For those wondering when the bank dollar exchange rate is going to increase, it is becoming increasingly clear that it won't happen anytime soon. It's a complete mystery. The causes are many. The government, the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL) and the Ministry of Finance continue to pass the blame, leaving depositors frustrated. None of them is ...

BDL Circular 693 Addressed to Financial Companies

In an interim circular bearing number 693 dated 29/2/2024, the Banque du Liban (BDL) made a temporary adjustment to the operating conditions of financial companies operating in Lebanon. Circular 693, which refers to the decision adopted by the Central Council of the Banque du Liban, which met on February 28, 2024, commands financial companies to ...

When and How Will Deposits Be Recovered?

The Council of State's decision to invalidate the article related to the suppression of a significant portion of the state's foreign currency commitments to the Central Bank of Lebanon (BDL), as outlined in the government's economic recovery plan dated 20/5/2022, brings some relief to depositors and bankers. However, questions concerning the ...