1.         Conflict between officials at the Ministry of Sports: A latent conflict pits a senior official at the Ministry of Youth and Sports against a young advisor on various issues. The relationship between the two men has been deteriorating for several months.

2.         Break-up between a combat sports organization and its president: There appears to be a break-up between a combat sports organization and the president of a combat sports federation over a number of administrative issues relating to combat sports.

3.         Ambitions within a non-Olympic combat federation: An activist in a well-known combat sport aims for an important position within a non-Olympic combat federation. This activist moves in all directions to achieve his desired position, monitoring the sporting community’s reaction to his success.

4.         Emerging basketball talent among Lebanese youth: Many young Lebanese talents, particularly boys, emerged at the West Asian Basketball Tournament (under 14) recently held in Lebanon.

5.         Inactivity of an individual federation and reliance on a veteran abroad: An individual federation is absent from official and unofficial activities, relying on a veteran player living abroad for several decades. This federation has not participated in foreign competitions for years and does not organize tournaments in Lebanon.

6.         Transition to retirement of an influential sports official: A leading sports official claims that another sports official who held a sports post and was retired blocked his path to an important position in the ministry.

7.         Ski meeting prior to the 2024 season: A ski-related organization organized an inclusive meeting in the Kesrouan mountains, under the sponsorship of the Lebanese Ski Federation, on the eve of the start of the 2024 season, bringing together the sports family.

8.         Aspirations to the presidency of an individual sports federation: An individual aspires to the presidency of an individual sports federation and is acting behind the scenes to sound out the possibilities of his candidacy in the next federal elections scheduled for next year.

9.         Cold greetings at a family event: Cold, curt greetings took place between two members of an individual sports family at a recent event.

10.       Intense conflict between club presidents: An intense dispute broke out between the presidents of two clubs due to one of them leaking information relating to the other.

11.       Champion athlete training in the shadows: A champion athlete trains daily in a 3-discipline sport on the Batroun coast, far from the spotlight, in preparation for upcoming competitions.

12.       Definitive rupture between the vice president and the secretary general of a non-Olympic federation: It seems that the relationship between the vice president and the secretary general of a non-Olympic federation, who enjoys great popularity, has definitively broken down, reaching its lowest point.

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