In cooperation with the Salaata Club, the Elite Club and the Tour du Liban association organized a duathlon competition for the sixth consecutive year. Duathlon is a sport that involves running, cycling and then running again. The sporting event was held in the Salaata region (Batroun caza) under the supervision of the Lebanese Triathlon Federation. Around 150 athletes took part in this event.

This year’s competition was held in commemoration of the late Dib Iskandar Accaoui, who was tragically involved in a road accident while training on his bike in the Qatari capital Doha last February. The race route ran from the Salaata municipal stadium to the old Chekka tunnel on the coastal road, then back to the starting point to mark the finish line.

Here are the podium finishes:


1. Lindsay Nader (ProFit)

2. Ramona Khalifé (Elite)

3. Joëlla Kattoua (Fortis Tigris).


1. Ali al-Zo’bi (Army)

2. Nizar al-Qadi (Army)

3. Omar Zaatiti (ProFit).

The men’s podium. Photo DR

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