Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati chaired a meeting of the ministerial emergency committee at the Grand Serail on Sunday to discuss the current issues and the discussions with the diplomatic contacts.

“We hope to reach a ceasefire. We also reviewed the statistics related to shelter centers, the number of displaced people and their needs. The number of displaced persons could reach nearly one million,” he said.

Mikati emphasized, “We are doing everything possible within our capabilities and thank those who have offered help, but the numbers are overwhelming.” He added, “Waste accumulation, schools and shelter centers need urgent attention, with the Ministries of Education and Social Affairs following up. We also discussed meeting governors and relevant ministers to address needs and are facilitating donations, ensuring the donors are known.”

Mikati also called on donor countries to “provide assistance during this difficult phase we are going through, and we will meet with donor agencies next Tuesday.”

“Security forces are closely monitoring the situation, particularly at shelter centers, and measures will be taken regarding those on the streets. We’ve also asked the Ministry of Economy to enforce consumer protection and tackle price gouging,” the caretaker Prime Minister said. He stressed the need for unity to navigate this difficult phase, hoping for the country’s safe passage through it.

Mikati noted that “we have no option but diplomacy, and no matter how long the war lasts, we will return to Resolution 1701. So let’s spare the bloodshed and head toward an agreement, and the Lebanese army is ready for this.”

“Lebanon still believes in international legitimacy and the United Nations, while others only believe in the law of the jungle and force,” he concluded.

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