A car was targeted by an Israeli drone on Thursday afternoon on the Kahaleh road (Aley district).

The driver, Ali Hammoud, a Hezbollah fighter from Baalbek, was hit by a Hellfire AGM-114 missile, known as a Ninja Bomb, which severely injured his leg.

The Hellfire AGM-114 is said to have no explosive charge. Equipped with six blades that deploy before impact, it shreds its target. That  explains the bizarre hole in Hammoud’s windshield and the fact that his leg was almost amputated.

Two other passengers in the car, a woman and a child, were unharmed.

This is the first time Israel has used this type of missile in its strikes against Hezbollah.

The Ninja Bomb was used by the Americans to kill one of al-Qaeda’s leaders, Ayman el-Zawahiri, in August 2022.

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