The Lebanese Order of Editors has announced the death of one of its former presidents, Elias Aoun.

In a statement issued on Monday, it said that with his departure, “the Lebanese and Arab media have lost an irreplaceable media figure” who had always “written truthfully.”

Throughout his career, the statement continued, Aoun “never ceased to defend with his pen Lebanon, its freedom, and the preservation of its message of unity and coexistence.” The former president of the Order of Editors passed away “at a time when we most needed his generosity, dedication, and professionalism,” the statement added.

Former journalist Elias Aoun was originally from Jezzine in southern Lebanon. He had been elected twice in a row, in 2012 and 2015, to head the order. In 2018, his list lost the elections to that of the order’s current president, Joseph al-Kosseifi.

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