Retired army personnel expressed “surprise” at the holding of a ministerial session on Wednesday at 3 p.m., without prior announcement.

“This is a scam aimed at pushing through certain decisions”, stressed General Georges Nader, spokesman for the retired soldiers, interviewed by This is Beirut.

The Council, initially scheduled for Tuesday, was postponed for lack of quorum, due to the sit-in by retired military personnel who obstructed access to the Grand Serail.

Nader felt that this surprise meeting, in the wake of the confrontation, testified to the government’s “lies”, as well as its “cowardice”.

“Let those who fear their own people go home,” he criticized.

In this context, General Nader questioned the legality of this ministerial meeting, held within 48 hours of the official announcement.

“Any decision taken today that does not meet the legal demands already proposed will result in a full-scale reaction”, he continued.

In a statement issued on Wednesday afternoon, the retired military called on “ministers to put an end to this charade”, denouncing the government’s “evil intentions”, as well as a “premeditated plot” against them.

They also declared a “state of emergency” and a “large-scale mobilization”, to be announced at the appropriate time.

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