The Lebanese Ministry of Health received 33 tons of emergency medical supplies from UNICEF on Monday, in the presence of Lebanon’s Caretaker Health Minister Firas Abiad and UNICEF’s representative in Lebanon, Edward Beigbeder.

This aid is intended to support the residents of southern Lebanon during wartime.

On this occasion, Abiad emphasized to Houna Loubnan “the need to improve the healthcare sector’s preparedness to face any emergency situation, especially if displacement rates increase” due to the ongoing war for twelve months in southern Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah.

“The 33 tons of medical aid provided by UNICEF increase the Ministry of Health’s ability to meet the needs of displaced people, particularly children and mothers,” he further explained. The caretaker minister also noted that there are currently “30 mobile clinics available to meet the needs of displaced people without them having to move or visit healthcare centers.”

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