In a meeting held on Wednesday, the two parliamentary blocs of the PSP (Progressive Socialist Party) and the NM (National Moderation) agreed on a shared roadmap to unblock the presidential election, as part of an initiative by Teymour Jumblatt’s party.

When the meeting ended, the Chouf MP and PSP parliamentary bloc member, Bilal Abdallah, stated that “a roadmap was established so that all concerned parties lower their expectations.”

Having insisted that he is aligned with the National Moderation bloc on the matter, Abdallah highlighted the importance of “keeping a unified position on the national level, in order to break the presidential deadlock.”

According to him, “consensus is an imperative.” “What matters is that Lebanon overcomes this crisis,” he added, in reference to the presidential paralysis that has lasted since October 2020, when former President Michel Aoun’s mandate came to an end.

Abdallah also stressed that “the presidential issue should be dissociated from the war in Gaza.”

It is worth reminding that, last Tuesday, representatives of the PSP paid visits to Lebanese officials within the framework of an initiative taken to reach an agreement that would facilitate the election of a new head of State.

The PSP MPs began a first round of negotiations with the leaders of the Lebanese Forces (Samir Geagea) and the FPM (Gebran Bassil), as well as Hussein Khalil, the political advisor of Hezbollah’s secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah.