Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri has reiterated Lebanon’s “commitment” to UN Resolution 1701 in all its provisions and clauses, emphasizing that the responsibility for violating this resolution since its issuance “lies with Israel, with more than 30,000 breaches by land, sea, and air.”
He stated that “Lebanon insists on its right to defend itself against Israel by all available means.”

Speaking on the 24th anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from south Lebanon, Berri said that Lebanon is open to every positive cooperation with any international effort that serves curbing Israeli aggression and ambitions towards Lebanon, its resources, its entity, and its land, sea, and air borders.

“Lebanon is not willing to relinquish any of its sovereign rights,” he added.

Berri also emphasized the need to “intensify international and regional efforts to stop the genocide being waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip”.

Regarding the overwhelming Syrian migrants’ presencec in Lebanon , he assured that Lebanon will resist any attempt by any party to impose any form of settlement, whether for Syrians or Palestinians. The Speaker of parliament called on “the international community to approach the issue of Syrian displacement from a humanitarian perspective, away from any exploitation that threatens the unity and sovereignty of Syria. He urged the Lebanese government to expedite the opening of communication channels with the Syrian government and the formation of joint committees to ensure the safe repatration of Syrian migrants.

Berri reiterated his appreciation for all regional and international efforts being made, particularly the efforts of the five-nation (France, the US, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Egypt) Quintet Committee aimed at helping Lebanon elect a president of the republic.

He considered that this effort will remain “futile if we, as political forces and parliamentary blocs, do not meet halfway by resorting to dialogue, consensus, or consultation, under the ceiling of the constitution.”