Lebanon fell 21 places since last year, according to the 2024 World Press Freedom Index released by Reporters Without Borders (RWB) on Friday. Lebanon currently ranks 140 out of 180 countries.

The report shows the deterioration of press freedom, accompanied by a worsening economic and political situation, in addition to increased restrictions imposed on journalists who are facing several challenges, including security difficulties.

The outbreak of the Gaza war back in October and opening the southern front led to security deterioration, as three journalists were killed in Israeli shelling and many were injured.

RWB noted that “attacks and legal proceedings against the media have intensified further,” adding that it observed “a worrying instrumentalization of justice.”

“In addition, political activists are involved in intimidation campaigns, particularly Hezbollah activists, who use X (formerly Twitter) to threaten journalists,” the RWB added.

The NGO also reported that “political parties have a stranglehold on the media, making them dependent on investors,” affirming that “the Lebanese media reflects the country’s political structure.”

On the other hand, the ongoing economic crisis forced some media to make budget cuts, reducing their human and material resources and making them dependent on international aid.

RWB concluded that certain subjects remain tabooed, such as “criticism of cultural and religious heritage.”


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