Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea affirmed his support for UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, on Tuesday during a visit to the head of the agency’s Beirut office, Dorothee Klaus.

Geagea praised the role played by UNRWA in Lebanon in terms of humanitarian coverage. “It is not covered by any other group,” he added. He called on all Lebanese parties, “led by the government, to work towards maintaining the UNRWA mission in Lebanon, as it is in the country’s interest.”

As a reminder, Dorothee Klaus sounded the alarm on Thursday, February 22, in an interview with Thomson Reuters, in which she warned, “We have no plan B.” She asserted that the UN agency “will find itself after March without a backup plan.” In fact, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees already lost several donor countries since Israel accused twelve of its employees of taking part in the October 7 Hamas attack on its territory.

Read also: https://thisisbeirut.com.lb/lebanon/229228

Geagea also questioned “the inclination of some in favor of halting the work of this organization, which is obligatory and whose importance lies in the continuity of its activity, thus ensuring stability and consolidating the right of Palestinians to return to their homeland, particularly in the midst of current discussions on the need to establish a Palestinian state” as part of the two-state solution, notably to put an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.