In a move aimed at breaking the deadlock surrounding the Lebanese presidential elections, the National Moderation Bloc engaged in a dialogue with members of the Kataeb Party and the Lebanese Forces Party on Saturday. The National Moderation Bloc unveiled a significant initiative advocating for parliamentary elections, marking a shift towards addressing the pressing issue of political stagnation in the country.

Geagea emphasized the urgency of the situation, declaring, “This was our demand from the first moment, to reach a presidential election.” His remarks came during a meeting with a delegation from the National Moderation Bloc, comprising MPs such as Ahmad Kheir, Abdelaziz Samad, Sagih Attieh and Mohammad Sleiman. Also present were members of the Strong Republic Bloc, including MPs Ghassan Hasbani and Fadi Karam, alongside Charles Jabbour, the head of the party’s media and communication apparatus.

Highlighting the urgency of the situation, Geagea disclosed the contents of the “National Moderation” initiative, which entails convening in parliament with MPs from various blocs to advocate for an open presidential election session without anyone “presiding” this consultative meeting.

Geagea emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “The country is in danger and things are deteriorating, and this situation must end.”

However, Geagea clarified that the consultation session proposed by the National Moderation Bloc does not aim to select a president outright but rather to convene an extraordinary session for deliberation. The outcome will determine whether consensus can be reached on a candidate or if the country must proceed to an election session.

In parallel efforts, MPs Nadim Gemayel and Elias Hankach engaged in discussions with the National Moderation Bloc to explore avenues for overcoming obstacles in the presidential elections, signaling a united front in pursuit of political stability and democratic governance.

Despite numerous efforts since September 2022 to address the presidential vacuum in Lebanon by the Maronite Church, MP Elias Bou Saab, Change MPs, as well as the international community and the Quintet, Hezbollah’s disregard for institutional processes has remained a significant obstacle to electing a Head of State.

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