A delegation from the Lebanese Parliament, led by Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Fadi Alame and including MPs Salim Sayegh, Simon Abi Ramia and Elias Khoury, made an official visit to Brussels on Tuesday. The purpose was to engage in discussions with senior European officials concerning the current state of affairs in Lebanon.

Addressing the Syrian refugee crisis, the group underscored the severe repercussions of refugee presence in Lebanon. They emphasized the pressing need to enforce laws, tighten border controls and orchestrate the refugees’ return. Stressing on the importance of facilitating this return process through the United Nations, they called upon Europe for support in these endeavors.

The parliamentary delegation reiterated its commitment to the ongoing reform process, highlighting the imperative to sustain these efforts to finalize pertinent legislation and reinstate confidence. In this context, the delegation welcomed the allocation of an additional 200 million euros to the European budget.

The lawmakers also delved into discussions on UNRWA funding and the suspension of financial contributions by certain European countries. They stressed the vital importance of preserving the UN agency to safeguard the rights of Palestinians.

Furthermore, the delegation expressed apprehension regarding the situation in South Lebanon and the continuous violations of Resolution 1701. They affirmed Lebanon’s unwavering commitment to implementing Resolution 1701.

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