Caretaker Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi stated in an interview on MTV on Thursday night that Lebanon is “not for sale,” referring to the Syrian displaced dossier. “It is not possible to keep the displaced in exchange for money,” he added.

“Their file poses an existential threat to Lebanon and must be addressed,” insisted Mawlawi. “Most of the displaced are welcomed by international organizations to Lebanon, and it is not reasonable for the two million Syrians to be in a precarious situation.”

“Lebanon is a transit country, not a refuge, as it has not signed the refugee convention, and its situation is untenable,” Mawlawai added.

He also emphasized the importance of upholding Resolution 1701 in South Lebanon, “We are in favor of implementing international resolutions, and it must be implemented by both sides. We support what protects Lebanon.”

“The war on Gaza cannot endure any longer,” he concluded. “Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati is doing what is necessary to spare Lebanon from war, and all countries want Lebanon to be a strong state, and only then will the state be able to support the Palestinian cause.”

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