The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has voiced profound concern over the escalating tensions and military operations unfolding in the Red Sea and Yemeni territories.

In a statement on Saturday, the ministry called for urgent measures to reduce tension, halt the ongoing escalation, and cease military operations through collaborative efforts by the international community and regional players.

“The primary focus should be on supporting stability in the region, including ensuring the security of maritime navigation in the Red Sea.”

Highlighting the urgency of the situation, the ministry underscored the need for concerted international and regional actions to address the root causes of the escalation. It particularly emphasized “the imperative for a comprehensive and immediate cessation of Israeli aggression and the ongoing war on Gaza.”

The ministry warned that failure to tackle these underlying issues could lead to a widening conflict, as witnessed in recent events, posing a serious threat to regional and international peace and security.

The statement also emphasized that a just and comprehensive peace for the Palestinian issue, in adherence to international legitimacy resolutions, is the key to achieving lasting security, stability, and prosperity for the countries of the Middle East and the Red Sea region.

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