French Ambassador to Lebanon Hervé Magro expressed France’s unwavering commitment to stand alongside the Lebanese people in a New Year message on Monday.

In a message addressed to Lebanese citizens and French compatriots in Lebanon, Magro highlighted the ongoing war in Gaza as a real threat to Lebanon’s security and stability, depicting it as one of the most serious crises the Middle East has ever faced.

He emphasized how the war would further damage a country already grappling with an unprecedented economic crisis and a year-long institutional vacuum which have resulted in the deterioration of the state.

Magro affirmed France’s willingness to prevent a regional escalation that would be catastrophic for Lebanon, acknowledging his country’s decisive role in preserving the stability of southern Lebanon, particularly through its contribution to UN Security Council Resolution 1701 and the UN peacekeeping force, UNIFIL.

The French Ambassador also reiterated France’s assistance in resolving the political crisis paralyzing public institutions, a task entrusted by French President Emmanuel Macron to his envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian. He also emphasized that France would continue its efforts with international partners in a joint approach to support Lebanon, as evident in the work of the Quintet, or the five-nation group, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the US and Egypt, in addition to France.

Lastly, Magro affirmed his country’s commitment to helping the Lebanese people in their daily struggles and preparing for Lebanon’s recovery. He acknowledged France’s efforts to address humanitarian emergencies and support healthcare facilities, security forces, the civil defense and educational institutions since the onset of the economic crisis.