On the tenth anniversary of Mohammad Chatah’s assassination in a car bomb attack in downtown Beirut, several prominent figures paid tribute in memory of a leading figure of the anti-Hezbollah sovereign circle and the ‘Cedar Revolution’ against Syrian military and political hegemony over Lebanon.

Former Prime Minister, Saad Hariri, said “Mohammad Chatah’s vision and wisdom” would be missed in Lebanon, particularly in these difficult times. “We will not forget him,” he wrote on the platform X.

For his part, Lebanese Forces MP Ghayath Yazbek saluted the memory of a “sovereignist” person and “one of the main symbols of the Cedar Revolution.” His assassination “did not undermine his values or his teachings,” Yazbek wrote on the X platform, asserting that the struggle will continue, until “we achieve the objectives for which he was assassinated, whatever the sacrifices.”

MP Fouad Makhzoumi also paid tribute to the “martyr of moderation, dialogue and national positions.”

As for MP Achraf Rifi, he paid tribute to the memory of one of the “leading figures of the Independence Revolution.” On his X account, he pointed out that Mohammad Chatah was assassinated “for having warned against the Iranian project to change the face of Lebanon. His assassination is not in vain. Justice and sovereignty will prevail. Lebanon is stronger than the culture of death.”

Chatah was a former Lebanese minister and member of Hariri’s Future Movement, he was also an advisor to former Prime Ministers Fouad Siniora and Saad Hariri. Originally from Tripoli, he was hostile to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and to Hezbollah’s stranglehold on Lebanon. He was assassinated on December 27, 2013, on his way to a meeting at the Maison du Centre. Seven other people were killed, including his companions, and 71 were injured.


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