From the COP28 climate summit, Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said, “Lebanon is facing an Israeli aggression that is affecting people, is hazardous, and is causing intense climate impacts, as large areas in Lebanon are exposed to the severe effects of environmental degradation resulting from the ongoing Israeli hostilities.”

Mikati added, “I cannot stand here today as a representative of Lebanon and not address the urgent need to strengthen our national resilience, especially in areas where challenges resulting from climate change intersect with wars.”

He also thanked the UAE “for its efforts in organizing and hosting this conference and for working hard over the past months to ensure progress towards achieving the goals set in Paris in 2015 and the climate conferences that followed.”

He pointed out, “Continuing violations, including the use of prohibited weapons such as white phosphorus, have led to the martyrdom of civilians and caused irreparable damage to more than 5 million square meters of forests, agricultural land, and thousands of olive trees.”

He recalled that “the presidency of the United Nations Climate Change Conference pledged to strengthen the ability to adapt to climate change in regions facing wars, crises, and displacement.”

Mikati emphasized “the need to expand the scope of financing mechanisms” in the face of the increasing challenges of “losses and damages” to include “rebuilding a sustainable green economy in Lebanon.”

Najib Mikati further stated, “Our energy sector has suffered from successive crises, and it is necessary to revitalize it and ensure sufficient financing to modernize it and promote the transition towards clean and renewable energy sources, thus mitigating the negative effects of climate change.”

Furthermore, in an interview with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) – alongside the COP 28 conference –, the Lebanese PM stated that the resumption of fighting in Gaza is a source of concern. In this context, everyone is trying to seek the implementation of a ceasefire in the Strip.