Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Representative to the United Nations, voiced her concern on Wednesday over the “possibility of a further spillover of this conflict (in Gaza).”

“The United States does not want to see conflict in Lebanon, where escalation would have grave implications for regional peace and security, and for the well-being of the Lebanese people,” the Ambassador said at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East in New York.

She stressed that “restoring calm along the Israel-Lebanon border is of utmost importance, and fully implementing Security Council Resolution 1701 is a key component of this effort.”

Thomas-Greenfield noted that the UNIFIL “plays a vital role along the Blue Line,” expecting “all parties will ensure the safety of peacekeepers.”

This statement comes at a time when the truce between Israel and Hamas, which was renewed in extremis on Thursday morning, has been broken on the southern front. The Hebrew state had warned on Thursday of a drone infiltration into the north of the country. Alarm sirens sounded in the Upper Galilee, as the Israeli army shelled the area around Ramiyeh and Rmeish.

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