UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka met on Wednesday with Lebanese Army Commander-in-Chief General Joseph Aoun, Deputy Parliament Speaker Elias Bou Saab, Ambassador of Qatar Sheikh Said bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, and head of the Democratic Gathering MP Taymour Joumblatt.

The joint discussion between Wronecka and Aoun in Yarzeh tackled the general situation in Lebanon, mainly in the southern part of the country.

Moreover, the UN Special Coordinator discussed with Bou Saab “the vital work of parliamentary committees, the delayed presidential elections, and the situation in southern Lebanon.”

“It is essential that Parliament play a key role in Lebanon’s governance, shaping policies, and urgent reforms,” she said.

With the Ambassador of Qatar, Wronecka discussed the important role of Lebanese institutions, notably the security apparatus. “It is imperative for political leaders to work together on filling the institutional vacuums to preserve the stability of Lebanon,” she said.

During her meeting with Taymour Joumblatt, they discussed “the necessity for political leaders to overcome their differences to facilitate solutions for institutional vacuums that are paramount for Lebanon’s stability.”