The anti-Hezbollah gathering, Saydet el-Jabal, asked on Monday “members of parliament to hold a public debate that clearly discusses the legitimacy and feasibility of the party (Hezbollah) and its possession of weapons, contrary to the Taif Agreement, the Constitution and international resolutions 1559, 1680 and 1701.”

A statement by the group underlined the need for the MPs to assume “their national responsibility,” notably protecting Lebanon from “the danger of Iranian occupation that openly undermines its sovereignty and threatens its unity and mere existence.”

“Protecting Lebanon from Israeli aggression also entails withdrawing the pretexts used by Israel to strike Lebanon.”

“We are facing a critical national moment because Lebanon is threatened either by Israeli war or by Iranian-Israeli agreement that undermined its independence,” Saydet el-Jabal said after its weekly online meeting.

The Gathering asked the parliamentarians opposed to Hezbollah to expose “the role and function” of Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian “in the Lebanese Republic.”

Saydet el-Jabal accused Hezbollah of “brazenly practicing a policy of contradictions.” It considered that the Hezb participates in caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati’s government while simultaneously contributing to its absence and reducing its role to that of a messenger between foreign envoys and the southern suburbs, Hezbollah’s hotbed, which is in fact the center of decision-making.

Moreover, the statement pointed out that Hezbollah claims to support the Document of National Accord and the Lebanese Constitution but places itself above the law and the constitution.

“It praises its partnership with the Lebanese army while depriving it from its function as a guardian of Lebanese borders and the security of the Lebanese. It signed Resolution 1701 in 2006 as it was participating in the government at that time, replacing it with so-called rules of engagement reached in accord with the Israeli army. It claims to be a Lebanese party elected in municipal, parliamentary and ministerial councils, while in reality, it constitutes Iran’s military arm for the occupation of Lebanon,” the Gathering concluded.

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