Marking the 80th Independence Day without a president of the Republic for the second year in a row, Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati reiterated on Wednesday his call to expedite the presidential election to restore the normal functioning of the state.

Speaking at the inauguration of the ‘Independence Museum’ at the Citadel of Independence in Rashaya al-Wadi, Mikati urged the Lebanese “to rally around the Army and preserve its presence and institution, along with all security forces that we commend for their role in safeguarding the nation and its citizens.”

Addressing the Army’s commander-in-chief Gen. Joseph Aoun, Mikati saluted his “greatly appreciated paternal efforts that have shielded the military institution and protected it from storms, ensuring its continuity, stability, and role.”

Mikati also pointed out that “the country is in the eye of the storm, both internally and externally.”

“This is due to the political and economic crises endured by the Lebanese, coupled with the burden of the presence of displaced persons (Syrians in particular), as well as persistent Israeli aggressions in Gaza and southern Lebanon.”

The PM emphasized that “independence is truly achieved when the Lebanese uphold their Constitution and National Pact.”

According to him, “after eighty years of independence during which the nation faced many severe trials, adhering to the Constitution that regulates the political life and clinging to the pact of national coexistence remains the only path to renewing independence.”