Two pro-Iranian fighters were killed on Friday in Israeli air strikes targeting a Hezbollah arms depot and other sites near the Syrian capital Damascus, an NGO reported.

The official Syrian agency (Sana) reported “material damages” in the Israeli air strikes, adding that Syrian air defense had intercepted several missiles.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH), which has an extensive network of sources in Syria, “two foreign fighters” belonging to pro-Iranian militias were killed, and several others were wounded.

The strikes “destroyed an arms depot belonging to Hezbollah,” located on the road to Damascus international airport, said the OSDH, quoted by AFP. They also targeted “sites belonging to Hezbollah and pro-Iranian militias” near the airport and the Sayeda Zeinab mausoleum.

Israel has carried out several raids in Syria in recent weeks since the outbreak of its war with Hamas. Damascus airport has been out of service since a strike on October 22.