Hamas official Ghazi Hamad denied on Saturday accusations by the Israeli army spokesman that Hamas was using Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital for military purposes. “These allegations are false and are part of Zionist propaganda aimed at justifying its attacks and committing further massacres against civilians and medical personnel, including the cessation of hospital activities,” he said.

At a press conference held at the movement’s headquarters in Beirut, Hamad called on “the international community to immediately implement the General Assembly resolution to introduce fuel and humanitarian aid for civilians.”

He also pointed out that by cutting off communications and the Internet network in the Gaza Strip, Israel is isolating it from the rest of the world, with the aim of “concealing the truth and preventing the dissemination of images of its crimes in the Gaza Strip.”

Finally, the Palestinian official warned against “attempts to create false accounts in the name of Hamas and its leaders to spread confusion and Zionist lies.”

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