The Beirut Airport Authority has issued a circular that includes guidelines and instructions for evacuating the airport building in case of an emergency.

Here is the full text of the circular:

In order to ensure the safety of individuals within the airport premises, all airlines, ground services companies, and investors at Rafic Hariri International Airport are requested to adhere to the instructions of the security agencies and follow the designated paths to secure areas in case of an external attack or when an evacuation announcement is made through the PUBLIC ADDRESS system, in accordance with the specific instructions for each area outlined in the appendices below:

Appendix (A): Airport Building Appendix (B): Cargo Area Appendix (C): Aircraft Apron Area Appendix (D): General Administration Area Appendix (E): General Aviation Area

Appendix (A): Airport Building Evacuation Instructions Individuals located in the following areas must adhere to the following:

  1. Individuals in restricted areas (public hall, arrivals hall, checkpoint, general security counters) should proceed to the ground floor/reception area and then use the stairs to access the tunnel to the parking area on the second basement level while awaiting further instructions.
  2. Individuals in the arrival area (near baggage belts) should proceed to the reception area (outside restricted areas) through the customs checkpoint and then use the stairs to access the tunnel to the parking area on the second basement level while awaiting further instructions.
  3. Individuals in the departure area (GATES, DUTY FREE) should follow these instructions based on their location: a. Individuals in the eastern section should proceed to the stairs behind Douaihi Sweets towards the area near the arrival baggage belts on the aircraft apron and then use the door between belt 2 and belt 3 to access the lower floors, awaiting further instructions. b. Individuals in the western section should proceed to the stairs behind DIOR towards the area near the arrival baggage belts on the aircraft apron and then use the door between belt 2 and belt 3 to access the lower floors, awaiting further instructions.
  4. Individuals in the CEDAR LOUNGE should proceed to the stairs behind DIOR towards the area near the arrival baggage belts on the aircraft apron and then use the door between belt 2 and belt 3 to access the lower floors, awaiting further instructions.
  5. Individuals in BEIRUT LOUNGE, AHLEIN LOUNGE, QATAR LOUNGE, and those in the prayer room and the chapel on the third floor should proceed to the stairs behind Douaihi Sweets towards the area near the arrival baggage belts on the aircraft apron and then use the door between belt 2 and belt 3 to access the lower floors, awaiting further instructions.

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