Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati stated on Monday, “It is not in anybody’s interest to risk opening a front from South Lebanon because the Lebanese people can’t take it anymore.”

He further stated, “Some people may wonder who has the power to decide on war or peace. In the current circumstances, we are committed to pursuing peace, and the decision to go to war rests with Israel. We must discourage any provocative actions on the part of Israel and prevent the escalation of tensions.”

Speaking at the Grand Serail, Mikati cautioned that “Lebanon is in the eye of the storm, the region is in a challenging situation, and no one can predict the outcome. However, one thing is certain: Israel is attempting to escalate tensions.”

Mikati also mentioned that the government is “continuing its diplomatic efforts to maintain calm in Lebanon and keep the country at bay from the consequences of the ongoing war in Gaza.” He stressed that these efforts are being conducted discreetly to ensure their success and rejected any accusations of government “negligence.”

He said that he has been in contact with officials in the US administration, as well as the Presidents of France and Turkey, the Prime Ministers of Qatar and Italy, the foreign ministers of Britain, Canada and Jordan, and the UN Secretary-General.

The Prime Minister added that in times of crisis like this, the High Council of Defense should have been convened, but in the absence of a President of the Republic, this would create yet another problem.

“As a precautionary measure, I invited all those responsible for security to the Council of Ministers’ meeting (held on October 12), and the Disaster Management Committee has held more than five meetings at the Serail since last Thursday.”

The caretaker Prime Minister condemned the reluctance of all parties to elect a President of the Republic and form a government to “move forward with the job.”

Mikati noted that there is strong pressure to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza, especially following the statement by the US President on Monday morning advising Israel against entering Gaza.

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