The Metropolitan of Beirut Elias Audi deplored on Sunday “the absence of a unified official Lebanese position” on the war in Gaza, as well as “the lack of firmness regarding the need to distance Lebanon from this conflict.”

In his sermon, Audi noted that “Lebanon has already paid a heavy price in the Palestinian conflict,” adding that the country “is incapable of enduring further costs,” especially as it is “currently going through the most difficult period in its history.” According to the Metropolitan, Lebanon “cannot afford to get involved in a conflict that would turn into a nightmare for its people and for what remains of its institutions.”

Audi also condemned the clashes in Gaza, describing them as “painful” and “unacceptable,” declaring, “This is a crime against a people whose only fault is that it clings to its land and defends its history.” He also denounced the absence of justice, especially as “world leaders turn a blind eye while the rights of the Palestinian people have been trampled on for decades, and as they are being killed without mercy.”

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