In follow-up to the war between Israel and Hamas, the Coordinating Committee of Lebanese-Canadians (CCLC) calls for immediate action to support Lebanon during this crisis. The CCLC, a committee formed by Kataeb Libano Canada, Lebanese Friends of Canada, Our New Lebanon – Canada, TLDN – The Lebanese Diaspora Network – Canada, WLCU – World Lebanese Cultural Union – Canada along with Civic Influence Hub as the advisory organization for the committee, urges the Canadian Government, United Nations and the International community to:

1- Pressure the caretaker Government in Lebanon to assume responsibility for preventing any party, Lebanese or non-Lebanese, from attacking Lebanon’s sovereignty by using Lebanese territory as a platform to implement regional agendas that have no relation to Lebanon’s national security or the Lebanese people’s human security.

2- Assist the official military and security forces, led by the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), to protect Lebanon from all violations and attacks against its sovereignty, in cooperation with the United Nations peacekeeping forces (UNIFIL), and in accordance with the provisions of UN Resolution 1701.

3- Launch the process of disarming illegal militias, Lebanese and non-Lebanese, in implementation of the provisions of the Constitution and the relevant resolutions issued by the United Nations, in a way that restores the Lebanese state’s full sovereignty.

4- Monitor and check rigorously the sea, land and air borders to ensure that no illegal persons and weapons enter the sovereign lands of Lebanon, especially now during an already overburdened humanitarian crisis.

The CCLC calls on the Canadian Government to exercise its diplomatic influence to protect Lebanon and its people in a way that serves the common Lebanese-Canadian interest and regional and international security and stability, as it warns against involving Lebanon in the Gaza war, which may expose it to further catastrophic risks.

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