Caretaker Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi said on Wednesday that “more than 30 percent of serious crimes in Lebanon are committed by Syrians,” adding, “This requires cooperation to protect our country, its image, and its identity.”

Following a meeting with the Mohafez of the regions and some heads of municipalities, Mawlawi insisted on the need to establish a plan for the return of displaced Syrians to their country, which should take place within a timeframe.

He asked notaries not to make contracts with the displaced Syrians who are not in possession of legal documents. “Lebanon needs workers in certain sectors, such as agriculture and construction, but we should not lose the rest,” he added.

The minister emphasized that municipalities are elected bodies with specific prerogatives that can determine where people live. “We will not allow the anarchic presence of Syrians, and it will not be permitted for more than one family to live in each apartment,” Mawlawi added after giving the example of certain municipalities, such as Qaa’ and Becharre, that are working in an organized manner on this issue.

“We ask municipalities to provide a periodic report every 15 days on the actions taken regarding the Syrian presence, including the repression of offenses and the demolition of illegal constructions,” he said.

He also indicated that any attempt to circumvent the law for economic reasons will be punished, and the culprit will be criminally prosecuted. “We will not accept demographic change in exchange for money, and our country is not for sale,” he insisted.

Mawlawi assured working actively to tackle this crisis and counter the enormous damage inflicted on Lebanon, its people, and its demography.

Furthermore, he pointed out that many Syrian nationals work as deliverymen “and thus hold detailed information on a very large number of Lebanese.”

Asked about the call (made by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah) to open maritime borders to allow Syrian migrants to reach European shores, Maoulaoui said that such a decision was not within his ministry’s remit.

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