Électricité Du Liban (EDL) issued on Thursday, September 28, a new “and final warning” to public administrations, establishments, water boards and individuals related to the public sector across Lebanon, urging them to pay their electricity bills (both old and new) in cash (Lebanese pounds) and not by transfer to the public supplier’s account held with the Central Bank.

EDL asked these entities to promptly rectify their status, saying that failure to do so will result in the suspension of the electricity supply to those who refuse to comply with the laws and regulations. The deadline for compliance has been set for October 24.

The public utility explained that electricity is a commodity that cannot be offered for free, even to the public sector.

It expressed hope that the official authorities will support it in this quest given its importance for its general budget and financial balance. “The aim is to preserve the continuity of our activities, our financial resources and financial regularity,” EDL added.

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