Joanna Wronecka, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, underscored the urgent need for Lebanon to elect a new president.

“I understood from meetings with MPs that the opportunity of electing a president is always there and requires a political decision. I encourage the election of a president because the Lebanese deserve a better life,” stated Wronecka in an interview with Free Lebanon radio station.

She added: “The Group of Five (France, USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt) is trying to support the election of a president, but the Lebanese are the ones who decide. If the Lebanese agree on a president without outside help, it would be a major Lebanese achievement and would give confidence in Lebanon.”

Regarding the devastating explosion at the Port of Beirut, Wronecka reiterated the United Nations’ stance, “From the very outset, the United Nations’ position has been crystal clear, and we call for a transparent investigation and respect for the victims.” She stressed that international cooperation and the participation of Lebanese judges are crucial for a thorough investigation.

Wronecka highlighted the strategic significance of the recent demarcation of maritime borders, which “creates opportunities for economic growth and oil extraction,” and expressed optimism about addressing land border issues. “We don’t intervene in the demarcation because the issue is decided by each country, but if we can facilitate a process, we do so”, she added.

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