Several political figures paid tribute to former Lebanese president-elect Bashir Gemayel on the anniversary of his assassination on September 14, 1982.

Kataeb MP Nadim Gemayel, the son of Bashir Gemayel, wrote on his X account: “September 14, 1982… 41 years, and the courage within us has not died. 41 years, and we still continue to fight for the freedom and dignity of Lebanon and the Lebanese. 41 years, and we are still steadfast in the principles and values you taught us, for the sake of the cause for which you and your comrades made many sacrifices.”

Lebanese Forces (LF) leader Samir Geagea also wrote on the X platform: “A promise to Lebanon: we will bring back the strong republic.”

Kataeb leader MP Samy Gemayel also shared his thoughts on his X account: “The day they assassinated Bashir, they thought they were killing the Republic. We renew our commitment to Bashir every September 14th. We do not fear martyrdom, and we will not be silent about our rights and the truth. Lebanon will remain and prevail.”

President of the Independence Movement MP Michel Moawad wrote on his X account: “41 years and we continue to fight for the cause.”

MPs Ghayath Yazbeck, Pierre Bou Assi, Antoine Habchi, Salim Sayegh, Said Asmar, Elias Hankash, Elias Stephan, and former MP Elie Keyrouz also paid tribute to the memory of Bashir Gemayel.

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