Caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib emphasized that “Lebanon is content with the final version of the resolution to renew the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).”

He added, “The final version of the resolution largely ensures no interaction between UNIFIL forces and the local population, but it’s crucial to establish a clear border with Israel to prevent any contact. We’ve discussed this matter with the American envoy Amos Hochstein, and he has pledged to address it with the Israelis and provide his assistance.”

In an interview with the local channel MTV, the Minister further stated that Lebanon “would have preferred more clarity in the coordination aspect between the Blue Helmets and the Lebanese army, but the wording is satisfactory and will necessitate further adjustments next year.”

As a reminder, the resolution, voted on Thursday, extends UNIFIL’s mandate until August 31, 2024, essentially reiterating the language adopted a year ago regarding the movement of approximately 10,000 Blue Helmets.

This previous language had been a point of contention between the Lebanese government and Hezbollah.

Earlier this week, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah cautioned against renewing the UN forces’ mandate under the same terms as in 2022, stating, “A foreign armed force operating on Lebanese territory without government and Lebanese army authorization, without coordination with the Lebanese army. Where is our sovereignty in all of this?”

Bou Habib emphasized that he had “engaged in significant negotiations with the Security Council while maintaining communication with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Hezbollah, among others.”